Hello: Elsa Oouah | Massage Therapist

Fleur van Hille

About Elsa, Vale de Moses Massage Therapist

Elsa grew up fascinated with the idea that a simple hand touch can make people feel instantly better.

Elsa worked initially as a personal trainer and later in a fashion company. While managing stores around Portugal Elsa felt that something else, somewhere else was calling her. This was when she decides to travel to India.

India brought her freedom, simplicity, honesty and the raw beauty that she was missing in the developed countries.

For six years now Elsa has managed a spa in a beautiful resort in India where she is able to practice connection with people through massage.

Elsa has a love affair with martial arts and Japanese culture and she moves her body anytime she can. Yoga, running, motorcycling are some of the things she loves doing, although, silence in doing nothing, for her is priceless.

When she is not in India, Elsa is travelling around or in Portugal visiting family and friends a small little village that she loves. She found Vale de Moses four years ago and keeps returning year after year for the pleasure of practicing massage in such a beautiful and magical place.

Elsa likes to see the practice of massage as a holistic approach that starts with a safe sharing that opens the space for the touch to go not just through the body but also the mind.

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