Retreat details
Join Ilias Kousis for a magical and fully transformational experience at Vale de Moses. Indulge in Forrest Yoga physical practices, Ceremony, Vision Quest and Workshops on healing injuries. You will be surrounded by deep nature, free of urban noise, extravagant radiation and pollution. The air you will be breathing and the water you will be drinking will be pure and will help you feel the difference in your body and brain function.
More details and reservations via Ilias’ website - link below.

Retreat Yoga Teacher
Forrest Yoga helped me to realise my true purpose and more importantly to risk chasing after it. Through Forrest Yoga I learned how fear and insecurity have been sabotaging my life and holding me back from speaking my Truth.
It seems like that everything we do in this life has strong foundations in our spiritual and emotional wellness. There is enough evidence showing that our traumas and spiritual gaps act as sneaky, underlying causes for physical ailments and chronic illnesses. The vast majority of our health problems today, including addictive behaviour, depression, anxiety, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain derive from our disconnection from our spiritual nature. What’s more, in societal level our spiritual disconnection has led us to take actions against the life harmony of our planet, which goes as far as threatening the human species towards extinction within the next few generations. Our future on this planet greatly depends on us choosing to Walk in Beauty.
By sharing the tools of Forrest Yoga combined with my own perceptions and life lessons, I wish to “Mend the Hoop of the people” by helping our people to see beyond their conditioning, fears and self-limiting thoughts and embody their Spirit. What I know now for sure, is that there is no limit to the human potential – and I intend to help you find out how truthful that is.
If you have any questions, please email Ilias Kousis.